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A Thanksgiving Appraisal of Beads of Memory


Ayangyangka Jumbam

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. There is so much to be thankful for despite the turmoil brought about by corona virus in 2020. We are still here and grateful

As I whine down today, I am grateful that I can sit in the silence of the aftermath of Thanksgiving cooking and eating, to read this amazing book “Beads of Memory”. It’s a must read.

So much happens to us and these memories become a part of us even if we have moved on from them. Leinteng & Co have taken me on a walk down memory lane as an immigrant living in a new environment and overcoming challenges away from “home sweet home”.

This literary master piece is one everyone relates to. You will see yourself in one of the characters and get to laugh at good times and wince at tough times too. You may even get your phone and call an old friend with whom you shared some these memories.

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