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Farai Kapfudzaruwa coordinates the Education for Sustainable Development in Africa (ESDA) initiative within UNU-IAS. The ESDA initiative comprises of three Master’s programmes in sustainable development and the Next Generation Research (NGR) project being implemented in collaboration with eight leading African universities.

Ibrahim Bienvenu Mouliom Moungbakou est Maître de Conférences en Sociologie politique.

Aretas Ndimofor is an educator and a social entrepreneur from the North West Region of Cameroon.

Jude A. Fonchenalla is a poet, editor, teacher and social worker. His poems have appeared in Ashes and Memories (2019, Editions Teham) and his writing focuses on issues related to leadership, youth and women’s empowerment.

Jackline Nyerere is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher on Educational Leadership and Policy at Kenyatta University. She has over 15 years’ experience working in higher education in both teaching/research and administrative positions. Her research has focused on the internationalization of education, university partnerships, open and flexible learning, as well as sustainability. Jackline holds a PhD in educational leadership and policy from Kenyatta University, Kenya and a professional training in Higher Education Leadership and Management from Carl Von Ossienzky University of Oldenburg, Germany.

Joseph S. Fomunung is a Political Economist/researcher trained at Indiana State University and the University of Wisconsin, USA. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s at Indiana State in International Relations with heavy concentration in Comparative Development. Majoring in Political Science and minoring in Economics inspired his interest in economic development and global inequities. Returning to his native Cameroon in the mid- eighties, he actively engaged in research on development and became a part-time consultant to the European Union office in Yaoundé. He contributed scholarly articles in the European Union trade and development magazine the EEC-ACP Courier.

Timothy Keyeke Mbombo holds a BA in English and a master’s degree in American Literature from the University of Yaoundé I.

John Koyela Fokwang was a founding member of the Association for Creative Teaching (ACT) and the Kaberry Research Centre, Bamenda. He has edited many children’s and teachers’ literary works such as The Lion and the Monkey and The Busy Spider and Other Poems. He is also the author of the bestselling A Dictionary of Popular Bali Names, 3rd edition (2010).

Franklin Agogho is an award-winning writer from the North West Region of Cameroon. His short story, The Curse won first prize in a national contest organised by Cameroon’s Ministry of Arts and Culture (2016). His works have appeared in Bakwa Magazine, Brittle Paper and AfricAvenir. His debut comic book, Totem was published in 2019 by Zebra Comics Inc.

Lotte Salling is a Danish author, born in 1964. She has written over 50 books, especially children’s rhyme books. In the past two decades, she has worked on children’s books and reading projects at hundreds of schools and kindergartens all over Denmark.

MD Mbutoh


M.D. Mbutoh is an award-winning poet from the North West Region of Cameroon. His literary works (poetry and short stories) have appeared in journals, blogs, and newspapers across the world including Refugee Republic (2017) and Praxis, (2017) a Nigerian literary magazine.

John Fobanjong is Professor of Political Science at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, and Adjunct Professor at the United States Naval War College. He teaches courses in civil rights, public administration, international relations, comparative politics and Governance and Economics in Africa. He has published three university textbooks, including Understanding the Backlash Against Affirmative Action (2001); The Life, Thought, and Legacy of Cape Verde’s Freedom Fighter Amilcar Cabral 1924-1973: Essays on His Liberation Philosophy (2006), and Political Perspectives: Essays on Government and Politics (2005).

Babila Fochang was born in Bali, Cameroon. He has served the Presbyterian Church as pastor in various capacities and currently serves as Synod Clerk since January 2015. He holds a Master of Theology in African Christianity from the University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN) and currently completing his doctoral dissertation at the same institution. Fochang has published extensively on Christian and moral issues from an African perspective.

Osée Colins Koagne is a Cameroonian stage director, playwright, and environmental theatre promoter. He was born on 14 October 1973 in Bafoussam, Cameroon.

Shogo Kudo is an Assistant Professor in the Graduate Program in Sustainability Science – Global Leadership Initiative (GPSS-GLI), Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (GSFS) at the University of Tokyo.

Godlove Gwaabe was born in Bali Nyonga and attended Government High School (GHS), Bali. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in English and French from the University of Yaoundé I (2006) and a Secondary School Teacher Diploma (DIPES I) from the same institution. After teaching for half a decade, he completed a Master’s degree in Translation and Intercultural Studies at ASTI, University of Buea (2012).

Ikechukwu Umejesi (Ike) holds a PhD in environmental sociology and currently teaches sociology at the University of Fort Hare, East London campus, South Africa.

The Honourable A.W. Daiga was born in Bali Nyonga in 1922. After his primary and secondary education in Bali, Mbengwi, and St Joseph’s College Sasse, he joined the Nigerian Police Force which he left shortly after to engage in farming and animal husbandry.

Signe Gabriel is a Danish illustrator and visual communicator.

Fr Tatah Humphrey MBUY is a Catholic Priest, ordained for, and incardinated into the Archdiocese of Bamenda, Cameroon.

Fondi Ndifontah Nyamndi earned degrees in History, Journalism, and International Relations from the University of Yaounde, and a PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science of the University of London. He served in Diplomacy and Corporate Management. He has researched extensively on the Cameroon.

Masafumi Nagao is a visiting Professor and Program Adviser, United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, and Professor Emeritus, Hiroshima University.

Marie Ngetiko Fongwa, PhD, MPH, MSN, RN, is professor in the doctoral programs (Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP and Doctor of Philosophy, PhD), Graduate Programs, School of Nursing, Azusa Pacific University (APU), California, USA. Dr. Fongwa has taught at the APU School of Nursing since 2010. Born and raised in Cameroon, she trained initially as a nurse-midwife in her native Cameroon and then proceeded to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Health Science and a Master’s in Public Health, focusing on health education from San Jose State University in 1983 and 1985 respectively.

Henri Djombo is a seasoned politician, novelist and playwright from the Republic of Congo.

Richard C. Kumengisa was born in the Warders’ Barracks at Up-Station, Mendankwe, Bamenda. He worked with the West Cameroon Public Service and attended the Universities of Yaounde and Paris (La Sorbonne), before taking up a teaching career.

Sama-Ambe is passionate about drama, poetry, and fiction. Some of his publications include Cries of Restoration (play), Stories from the Pulpit, Volumes One & Two (short stories), all published locally in Cameroon.

Melissa Hansen is a lecturer in the Department of Geography at the University of the Free State (UFS) and a researcher in the Afromontane Research Unit based on the Qwaqwa campus. She obtained her PhD in Sustainability Science from Lund University in Sweden and an alumnus of the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

Sally Maforchi Mboumien is women, peace and security advocate, concerned citizen, teacher and feminist from Bawock, Cameroon.

Orleans Mfune is senior Lecturer at the University of Zambia, in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies.

Hans Mbonwuh Fonka is a lecturer in the Department of English at the University of Bamenda, Cameroon, where he also serves as coordinator of English Language.

Camilla Arundie Tabe is Associate Professor in English language and Linguistics, and Head of the Department of English Language and Literature in the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences at the University of Maroua.

Beatrice Fri Bime is the CEO/Founder of AKAABI GROUP Ltd, a global strategy consulting firm that delivers world class, customised solutions to business corporations, governments, international organisations and non-profit organisations.

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