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Book Release: A Wealth of Wisdom


A Wealth of Wisdom: A Reference Collection of African Proverbs

By Babila Fochang

Among the Igbo, Chinua Achebe reminds us, proverbs are the palm oil with which words are eaten. This is true of the Igbo as it is for most peoples across the African continent. In this revised and enlarged volume, Rev. Babila Fochang serves us with a generous blend of proverbs from all regions of the continent. With over 800 proverbs covering an exhaustive range of themes and topics, you won’t have to repeat a proverb for over two years.

Publication Date: 7 April 2015
Paperback: $19.95
Ebook version: $9.95

ISBN: 978-1-942876-01-4 [Paperback]
ISBN: 978-1-942876-01-4 [Ebook]
Pages: 106
Product dimensions: 5 x 0.2 x 8 inches
Now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google Books and other major internet outlets.

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