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Juliette Wangia’s Review of Beads of Memory


Juliette Wangia

Any student who has studied away from home will relate instantly to Martin Jumbam’s “Beads of Memory”. In this page turner, the author offers a vivid picture of Leinteng’s experiences as a young, foreign student in Madrid, a city far-flung from his native Cameroon.

Interestingly, Leinteng only briefly walks us through the streets of Madrid; the better part of his experiences are lived inside his own head as he thinks back on the family he has left behind and ponders what kind of Africa awaits him upon his return. Friends he meets in Madrid share similar concerns. Thanks to the author’s expert use of language and his captivating style, we follow along attentively, only pausing to reminisce on similar experiences in our own lives.

One cannot but admire how true Leinteng stays to himself, never once straying from the reason he went to Madrid in the first place. All in all, this diary is an inspiring read that offers multiple perspectives.

Juliette Wangia

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