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The Golden Age of Southern Cameroons

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $25.00.

This book argues that since the emergence of the Cameroon National Union(CNU) and the one-party state in 1966, Cameroonians have progressively degenerated into the syndrome of collective amnesia inspired by a culture of sycophancy, glorifying and deifying political leadership. These developments stand in stark contrast to what obtained in the nascent Southern Cameroons – the UN Trust territory administered by Britain until 1961 when its population voted overwhelmingly by 70.5% to gain their independence by establishing a federation with the then French-speaking Republic of Cameroon.


Additional information

Weight1.5 lbs
Dimensions9.21 × 6.14 × .8 in
SKU: 9781790448838 Categories: , Tag: Product ID: 2346


This book argues that since the emergence of the Cameroon National Union (CNU) and the one-party state in 1966, Cameroonians have progressively degenerated into the syndrome of collective amnesia inspired by a culture of sycophancy, glorifying and deifying political leadership. These developments stand in stark contrast to what obtained in the nascent Southern Cameroons – the UN Trust territory administered by Britain until 1961 when its population voted overwhelmingly by 70.5% to gain their independence by establishing a federation with the then French-speaking Republic of Cameroon.

Praise for “The Golden Age of Southern Cameroons”

The interface between the suppression and reintroduction of pluri-party democracy in Cameroon had the effect of truncating the smooth evolution of Cameroons’ historiography engendering disturbing hiatuses. A sworn crusader for filling in these gaps, especially in Southern/West Cameroon’s history is the consummate historiographer, Anthony Ndi. In quick succession, Prof Ndi is churning out mouth whetting chunks of its history. The inescapable attraction of this volume is the erudite verve, scintillating language and the engaging style which he employs to tell his story. The Golden Age of Southern Cameroons, Prime Lessons for Cameroon, is therefore, a must read, for all those who seek both knowledge and entertainment in history.
— Prof. Canute A Ngwa, Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Bamenda

The Golden Age of Southern Cameroons by Prof Anthony Ndi, the legendary author of numerous books on Southern Cameroons depicts an aborted dream. It is an outstanding publication that breaks ‘new grounds’ and lays the foundations for a comprehensive and more open consideration for constructing a new society. In a way the author demonstrates a Cameroon Nation envisioned by the founding fathers as the political laboratory of African integration and unity which has today succumbed to a failed democracy. The book is a clarion call to all Cameroonians to wear the right thinking cap, and gun for the collective good and a sustainable society… a reflection on the conundrums of poor governance under conditions of structural inequality and the false notion of ‘majority is always right’ lording it over the minority. Yet there is hope for building the Cameroon of the “Future We Want”.
— Prof. John W. Forje, ARAD, Bali, Cameroon

In this book, Prof Ndi has adopted a style, diction and humour, which excites the intellect and awakens minds to a lane of true redemption. The Golden Age of Southern Cameroons: Prime Lessons is a historical masterpiece for nation building. It pricks the conscience of those who have glossed over the Southern Cameroonian dedication to the values of patriotism, liberty, diligence, honesty, and search for peace, truth and justice. The volume serves as an inimitable moral compass for national unity in diversity; a companion for all patriotic Cameroonians.
Confidence Chia Ngam, Lecturer/Researcher, University of Bamenda, History of International Relations and Social Sciences
Cameroon is a complex geopolitical entity, where contradictory variables exist in inexplicable harmony; a marriage of two former self determining UN Trust territories; French and English-speaking with the former today crying wolf about shabby treatment. While some become emotional about facts, which they hardly master, Prof Anthony Ndi has taken a more academic approach to state historical facts that are difficult to contest. The Golden Age of Southern Cameroons is a work that should tickle scholars and provoke a rethink among others.
— Fr Tatah Mbuy, Director of Communications, Archdiocese of Bamenda.

Cameroon’s reunification was internationally acclaimed with great expectations for new nation building in Africa. Hopes were soon dashed when the Francophone leadership demoted Southern Cameroons from statehood to village status. Auspiciously, historical facts are irrepressible and sooner or later rebound. Professor Anthony Ndi’s Golden Age of Southern Cameroons is a glorious wake up call for a nation in deep stupor.
— Prof. Simon Tata Ngenge, Head of Department, History, University of Bamenda

The Golden Age of Southern Cameroons
Original price was: $30.00.$25.00Current price is: $25.00.